Megaliths in Montana, USA
You can purchase a copy of my first photo book titled
MONTANA MEGALITHS IN THE USA by clicking on this link: Product My second photo book titled Montana Megaliths: Dolmens in Montana, USA features photographs and narrative about the dolmens in Montana. Several photographs of the ancient flash fossilized beings are included. Product |
Michael Pell continues: When examining the glyph of the red coloured circle I wondered at the time if it might have been the basis for the portable teepee design, in that the diagram of the components creates it. Also when looking at the teepee design we see 13 poles in the main frame and a 14th as outriggers. Might they be telling time as in 13 for weeks in a season, or annual number of full moons? The 14th indicating the amount of days in a waning or waxing moon? |
Belle Chase writes:
"13 Moons and 28 days on all turtle shells. This equals 364 days, plus one day of rest. All indigenous people around the world knew the wisdom of the turtle and followed a 13 month calendar; after all, there are 13 moon cycles in a year and 27 to 29 days per cycle. It's almost as if man subtracted one month in order to sever the connection between the people and the sun, moon, and stars which are themselves a giant clock. |
According to the literature there are over 110 pictograph panels in the Valley of the Chiefs.
Pictographs in an Valley of the Chiefs which is the entry way to Valley of the Shields in Montana, USA, show a Changing of the World symbol and above it an animal within a red shield. My sense is that this was painted much later as it lacks the symmetry and sharp lines of the original glyphs.
Photo credit: Scott Printing |
Changing of the World Glyph
Valley of the Chiefs |
Buffalo inside a shield glyph in the Valley of the Chiefs is similar to the Second World in the Changing of the Worlds Glyph in the Valley of the Shields nearby.
My first Native American teacher, Vivian Harrison, at a petroglyph site near the Columbia River in Washington State. Vivian inherited a beautiful basket from her mother when she became an Elder at age 50. She taught basket weaving at the Yakama Nation Museum & Cultural Center in Toppenish, Washington. |
November 26, 2020 Ian Yazzie identified a photo that I took of a pictograph which appears in Bear Gulch in Montana, USA. "I am Diné (Navajo). This pictograph looks similar to our Diné Holy Being: Haashch'eełtí'í (Talking God)" Bear Gulch Pictographs: |
Changing of the World Hourglass Symbol at 8:00 on this disc found in Central Mexico along with 3,000 similar artifacts. |
Changing of the World Symbol on the shoulder of this stone carving found in Columbia, South America.
Klaus Dona verified that this is the pre-sanskrit language that is found around the globe. |
Herr Schildmann was the President of the Society of German Linguists. He was the first to decipher the Indus Valley texts which are mainly written in phonetic archaic or proto-Sanskrit. Since 1987 he has consistently claimed that the even more fascinating Burrow Caves (Illinois, USA) texts are also Proto-Sanskrit.
Leon Secatero reads the petroglyphs on the Shaman Rock in 2018
Vast information experienced through several sensory channels simultaneously is embedded into ancient rock art. Accessed through physical contact these encyclopedias of ancient wisdom are overwhelming at first touch.
Holographic images, harmonic sound frequencies, deep emotional connections, internal and surface physical touch sensations are experienced simultaneously. Leon Secatero taught the protocols of the Original Instructions handed down for generations from the Star Nations. A few years earlier, Leon us to glyphs in New Mexico that showed DNA codons and hand prints with three, four, five and six fingers. He instructed us that if we chose to make a commitment to work with the Light Beings and the Star Nations that we could follow the protocols and then touch the hand prints. |
Shamans have recorded their visions on rock for tens of thousands of years. Paintings and glyphs of their visitations to alternate realities are similar throughout the world.
Pictographs and petroglyphs are often maps of specific locations in the Spirit World as well as the entry and exit points. A singular cave is the entrance to a specific realm in the Spirit World used by shamans for centuries to access the knowledge and power of that particular designated alternate world. |
Horned Man in the Kila Pictograph Site
Montana, USA Photograph by Julie Ryder |
Rock Art reflects the legends, vast knowledge and events in the lives of the People who inhabited and traveled through Montana during the changing epochs of time. Indigenous Elders teach that the Ancient Ones left knowledge and messages for us embedded in these images. We are beginning to understand the impact of these images as many of them were created by Shamans. Some pictographs were re-painted during ceremonies each year until it was forbidden at the turn of the last century. Much older images are engraved into the rock surfaces. |
Orion Glyph in New Mexico
Photograph by Julie Ryder |
The "Swastika Stone" in Woodhouse Crag in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. |
"The Camunian rose (or in Italian Rosa camuna) is the name given to a particular symbol represented among the rock carvings of Val Camonica in Italy. Joslyn Cuzco This is in Italy. Also in Malta. Unity symbol variations found on pretty much all continents |
Michael Pell writes:
I also can see depending when these glyphs were created, an indication of Ursa Minor as it spins around our current pole star position of Polaris. Seen here in an overly between how it would appear throughout the year and over the glyph. One possible key is the listed glyph locales are in the northern hemisphere where Polaris/Ursa Minor is visible all the time. |
Michael Pell continues:
While this glyph resembles the swastika symbol (back when it was a positive symbol in ancient times) we have shown how Ursa Major (the Big Dipper) throughout the year makes a similar pattern in the sky as seen in the accompanying photo. Though what a few recognize is, the same swastika pattern to a lesser extent is made by Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper). What is important is it contains the current pole star Polaris of which the northern sky appears to rotate around. This phenomenon occurring once per precessional cycle due to Earth’s wobbling axis. |