Megaliths in Montana, USA
You can purchase a copy of my first photo book titled
MONTANA MEGALITHS IN THE USA by clicking on this link: Product My second photo book titled Montana Megaliths: Dolmens in Montana, USA features photographs and narrative about the dolmens in Montana. Several photographs of the ancient flash fossilized beings are included. Product |
Shrine of Issa in Greece
Χρυσιδης Γεωργιος |
Shrug in the Tower Rock Complex of the Montana Megaliths North, USA
Julie Ryder at the base of the Dreaming Goddess.
Dreaming Goddess was discovered in a photo taken by Heidi Opitz when her four year old son climbed up to it. The Dreaming Goddess Biba Bibljo at #TheRocksWereAlive made this video of the Dreaming Goddess: |
Roger Spurr Mudfossil University Autism and Transition Metal Buildup |
Michael Pell commented on Facebook, "this brings also to mind the composition of meteors and the resulting colours they produce when entering Earth’s atmosphere."
Meteor colors are a fascinating aspect that we just may explain why certain minerals are here on Planet Earth. Did these minerals create the colors of the Flash Fossilized Beings as they petrified? |
Michael Tellinger shows examples of giant mudfossils found in South Africa at 53:17 minutes: |