Megaliths in Montana, USA
Andrew Barker at the entry to
Rolling Stones Megacomplex |
Andrew Barker has examined dolmens on three different continents and then rates them on an authenticity scale. He utilizes spread sheets to track the data. After analyzing several dolmens at the MM Andrew concluded that they rated in the high 90 percentile as they had never been rebuilt. Giant's Playground Complex |
Leon Secatero instructs us to take this ancient knowledge to the world
Tizer Acoustic Sphinx
Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths |
Mount Maya
Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths |
You can purchase a copy of my first photo book titled
MONTANA MEGALITHS IN THE USA by clicking on this link: Product My second photo book titled Montana Megaliths: Dolmens in Montana, USA features photographs and narrative about the dolmens in Montana. Several photographs of the ancient flash fossilized beings are included. Product |
Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder at Giants Playground
Star Fire Duolith with Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder at Tizer Dolmen in the MM |
Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder at Sage Wall |
Sasquatch in the trees above my head
Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder at Evergreen Dolmen
Giant's Playground |
Dr. Sam at the Fifth Global
Pyramid Conference in 2023. |
Julie Ryder at Giant's Playground
Giant's Playground Complex Julie Ryder
Julie Ryder at Castle Arcadion
Giant's Playground Complex ACE at Boulder Dolmen
Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths |
Giants Playground
Giant's Playground Complex |
Elfin Warrior
Montana Megaliths North |
Dancing Feet Complex
Dragons Loop |
Julie Ryder at Tower Dolmen
Giant's Playground Complex |
Goddess Dolmen
Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths |
Princess Silver Geosculpture
Julie Ryder at Calendar Girls Dolmen
Pipestone Megacomplex Ant People
Ancient Technology |
Julie Ryder at Tunnel Dolmen
Giant's Playground Complex Gallatin Sphinx
Whale Dolmen
as seen from Google Earth: Mysterious Eye Geosculpture (Rolling Stones Complex) Green Avian Geosculpture (Asgard Complex) Olmec Helmet Head Geosculpture (Giant's Playground) Mohawk Monarch Geosculpture (Monarch Complex) Ram Nodia Geosculpture (Nodia Megacomplex) Elfin Monarch Geosculpture (Monarch Complex) Robin Geosculpture (Rolling Stones Complex) Eagle Eye Geosculpture (Rolling Stones Complex) Cougar Titan Geosculpture (Gallatin Complex ) Sasquatch Geosculpture (Gates of the Mountains) Long Head Geosculpture (Agusta Complex) Dragon Geosculpture (West Coast) Ganesh Geosculpture (Congregation Megacomplex) |
Epochs of Civilizations Red Mountain Figure Nefer Sleeping Goddess Mountain Figure Tut Mountain Figure Sleeping Giant Mountain Figure Goddess Who Watches Over Our Valley Mountain Figure Snow White Mountain Figure Giant's Goddess Mountain Figure Starcrash Mountain Figure Mount Helena Mountain Figure White Lightning Mountain Figure Lady Agusta Mountain Figure Cosmic Congregation Pantheon Goddess of the Temple of the Winds |
North Wind Complex:
Pi Dolmen Snail Conversations Box Turtle Definitely Human Face Dinosaur Eye Pipestone Megacomplex Pipestone Wall Complex Miss Mercury and Masked Frogman Granite Big Foot (Daystar Dial) Constellation Mapping Stone (Daystar Dial) Centaur Persnickety Flintstone Dolmen (Harold Lear) Leaning Lear Rocks Calendar Girl Dolmen Towering Tumulus Lear Dolmen Crescent Moon Goddess Dolphin Stone (Tulku Rinpoche Yeshi) Snoopy Mountain T-Cap Wall Pipestone Ram (Cowboybob Benda) Hot Crossed Buns (Cowboybob Benda) Mustang (Cowboybob Benda) Red Hands Pictograph site Black Eagle Pictograph site Inscription Dolmen Complex Inscription Dolmen Round Head One Round Head Two Inscription Thunder Lizard Inscription Cougar Head Inscription Big Bear Homestake Dolmen Complex (Brian Krott) Divided Dolmen (Brian Krott) Pinnacle Dolmen (Brian Krott) Galactic Dolmen (Brian Krott) North Face Dolmen (Brian Krott) Quarry Complex (Brian Krott) Ancient Quarry Site (Brian Krott) Swoop Head (Julie Ryder) Canine (Brian Krott) Quarry Wall (Brian Krott) Gigantic Spinal Vertebrae Lodge Pole Dolmen Pro-Creation Complex Fetus Pro-Creation Dolmen Co-Creation Complex White Eyes Nordic Man's Keypad Seal Dolmen Complex Seal Dolmen Crystal Goddess Complex Breath of Life Etching Toenail display Mother Nursing Babe Portal Passageway Complex Initiation Dolmen Terrestrial Dolmen Triangulation Portal Celestial Dolmen Elven Queen Down Complex Four Corners Dragon Shadow Platforms Complex Sasquatch and friends Sleeping Hobbit Complex (Austin Scharf) Ringing Rocks Complex Bennu Scarlet Sunrise (Scarlet Scharf) Pink Edifice Pipestone Dolmen (Quantum Kids) Ringing Rocks Helmet Head Ringing Rocks Eagle Head (Kelly Scharf) Ringing Rocks Spliced Rocks Balancing Rock (Leo & Trinity) Sage Wall Complex (Linda Welsh) Megalithic Metropolis Sage Wall (Linda Welch) T Block (Julie Ryder) Chutes and Ladders (Linda Welch) Hummingbird Passage Linda Welch) Mayan Puzzle Complex Pipestone Megacomplex Mayan Parabolic Mirror Mayan Doorway Dragon Aglow Satellite Dish Balanced Rock Cloud Grande Complex Megalithic Metropolis Little Gray Hood Surprise Dolmen (Anthony Castro) Burnt Dolmen (Anthony Castro) Giant's Playground Complex (Bill Ryder) Giant's Playground Central Evergreen Dolmen The Tower Tunnel Dolmen Buddha Montana (N.G. Dewe) Tartessia de Montana (Andrew Barker) Icycle Dolmen Dog Watcher Geomural Castle Arcadion (Arcadion Jones) Castle Dragon (Barrere Brothers) Sobek Crocodile (Andrew Barker) Pink Vault (Barrere Brothers) Heart Dolmen Star Fire Duolith Robotic Watcher Bracelet Bead Dolmen Tortuga Thunderbolt Mountain Crystal Guardian Bennu Birdman Egyptian Horus Statue Dog Watcher Geomural Lego Mountain Cory Kyle Dolmen Giant's Playground Complex (periphery) Olmec Helmet Head Geosculpture Walking Shoe Stone Geosquares Marker Giants Playground Stone Statues Stoneman Statue Sophia Statue Sol Serpent Statue Spiral Mountain Complex Giant's Playground Complex Castle Cosmos Cygnus Swan Spiral Dolmen Omphalous Spiral Pac Man Gnome's Dome Ragnard Rocks Shire Elemental Seaworld Complex Hands Up (Dori Grosshauser) Parcheesi Board Complex Constellation Mapping Stone Dreaming Goddess Complex Giant's Playground Complex Dreaming Goddess (Heidi Opitz) Dreaming Goddess Cubed Sekani Rocks Sekani Stone Circle Avian Complex Avian Dolmen Big Nose Rock Duolith on the Side Sidewalk Polygonal Orange Segments Ambers Compass Stone Circle Ambers Guardian Geosquares Complex: Temple Dome Parallelogram Pyramid Rolling Ramps Tilted Slab Step Plaza Domes Geosquares Fortress Merlin Pyramid Complex: Rocket Launcher Rectangle Merlin Wall Merlin Platform Merlin Pyramids Merlin Guardian Crow Creek Complex Boulder Dolmen Complex: Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths Sea Turtle Boulder Dolmen Teapot Face Platform Lumbering Complex: Megalithic Metropolis Turtle Climbs Wall The Professor Claw The Whistler Lumbering Mountain Turtle Tree Turtle Geomarker Complex Gameboard Complex: Constellation Map Ebony Feet Complex (Larissa Cosmos) |
Cloud Catcher Complex:
Megalithic Metropolis Cloud Catcher Cloud Towers Cloud Round Tower Scroll Opening Rock NIN.HUR.SAG Cloud Stone Circle Cloud Compass The Greeter (Anthony Castro) Eagle Lookout Complex Infinity Gate Complex Megalithic Metropolis Three Disc Dolmen Cloud Window Portal Chamber Serpentine Coil Baby Dolmen (Anthony Castro) Echo Chamber (Joaquin Trevalline, Jody Edwards) Lion's Gate Complex: Lion's Fortress Lion's Passageway Cougar Watches Lion's Dolmen Tizer Dolmen Complex: Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths Tizer Dolmen Nergal Montana Statuette Tizer Acoustic Sphinx Soldier's Rock Maya Mount Monument Sea World Complex: Hands Up Turtle Origami White Buffalo Lotus Blossom QQQ Rock Silver Bell Complex: Giants, Titans, Robots and Sphinxes Silver Skull Dyatic Presence Skull Ahli Stone Man (Dawn Menning) Polar Bear Stone (Dawn Menning) Galena Complex Daniel's Destiny Complex (Daniel) Square Dome Pillar Lion Tower White Amorphous Being Fortress Falcon Complex: Falcon Head Stone Flower Complex: Full Moon Blue Cloud Complex: Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths Twin Towers Green Dragon Rock Central Cloud Stone Circles Elk Dolmen Mushroom Dolmen Misthold Wall Priest Pass Complex Rolling Stones Complex Mysterious Eye Geosculpture Mystery Rock Prime Pink Block Suspended Wall Thunderbird Glyph (Bill Ryder) Elysian Landing Tower Elysian Fields Complex Cinder Dolmen Cinderland Turtle Moon Eyes Turtle Constellation Map Daystar Turtle Totem Hawk Rock (Daystar Dial) Harmony Puzzle Complex Whale Dolmen Puzzle Towers Mystery Wall Ovoid House Leaping Dolphin Complex (Joy Hart) Twin Flames Towers Atlantis Circle Blue Thunder Complex Akers Pyramid Question Mark Mound Altar Mound Tower Doors Bird Geomural Temple Ellipse AceRyder Flash Fossilized Star Puzzle Complex Rolling Stones Megacomplex Star Wall Giant Tooth Gearbox Chain Gift of the Goddess Dolmen Whale Dolmen Puzzle Towers Mystery Wall Ovoid House Leaping Dolphin Complex Twin Flames Towers Atlantis Circle Blue Thunder Complex Akers Pyramid Question Mark Mound Altar Mound Tower Doors Bird Geomural Temple Ellipse AceRyder Flash Fossilized Star Healers Complex Star Healers Lookout Star Healers Landing Moonlight Ridge Complex Moonlight Spiked Peak Moonlight Stone Circle Moonlight Reptile Monolith Moonlight Tower Moonlight Reptile Monolith Goddess Dolmen Complex: Goddess Dolmen Animal Rock Goddess Squared Giant at Goddess Squared Dog Dolmen (Tibetan Tulku Rinpoche Yeshi) Raccoon Complex: Raccoon Dolmen Empress Penguin Monolith Mr. Magoo Elf Ears Spirit Temple Complex: Picasso Princess Mushroom Stone Cathedral Door Paradise Valley Complex: Beacon Tower Paradise Trinity Angel Gallatin Gateway Complex Gallatin Lion Sphinx Gallatin Pantheon Gallatin Hemet Head Gallatin Elongated Head Gallatin Titan Splendor Complex Triagular Dolmen Wedged Dolmen Triangle Dolmen Big Sky Complex Chevron Megalith Mountain Whispering Winds Complex Ancient Echo District Singing Bowls Rock Menagerie District Turtle Lizard Geomural Zeffy Stone (Lynne Pulizzi) Sound Bubbles District (Bill Ryder) Parabolic Reflector Triangle Tunnel Elder Creek Complex Fox Eyes Elder Dolmen Upper Radar Creek Complex (Peter Bennett) Deer Dolmen (Peter Bennett) Woodpecker Dolmen (Peter Bennett) Woodpecker Balanced Rock (Peter Bennett) |
Mountain Palace District
Dragons Loop Ram Nodia Geosculpture (Google Earth) Nodian Head Caterpillar Megalith (Giant Foot) Castle Nodia Big Owl with Thum the Elfin Being Fallen Angel Owl Goddess Monk Mound Owl Eyes Sumer Sphinx Feathered One Pegasus Nodia Monument Mountain Dragon Eye Sasquatch Mother Dragons Council Dragon Luna Dancing Giant Feet Complex Dragons Loop Big Foot (Dawn Menning) Foot On Foot Foot Chakra Polished Toenail Peaceful Warrior Hulk Dragons Lair Dragons Loop Argtino the Dinosaur Dragon Saphira Dragon Ruby Eagle Head (Michael Pell) The Visionary Dragon Madeline Deno the Dinosaur (CowboyBob Benda) E-Long Deno Rockie the Roc Bird (CowboyBob Benda) Dragon King of the Lair Dragons Gate Complex Dragons Loop Knight's Dragon Bronc Who Is A Dragon (Cowboybob Benda) Dragon Candelyn Dragon's Gate Doorway Eyes Wide Open Tower Rocks Complex Dragons Loop E-Long Tower Geosculpture (Google Earth) The Monk Lady Hunaman Roaring Ralph the Dragon ( Cowboybob Benda) Tower Stargate Door Visionary Stargate II Goddess of the Tower Tower Giant Foot Hardy Bridge Complex Dragons Loop REX (Tyrannosaurus Rex) Draco and The Man in a Box Triangle Dragon Bejeweled Dragon Ruby Eyes Drac and Ladyhawke Big Owl Dragons Council Sasquatch Pointy Bas Relief Hardy Bridge Pantheon Sumer Sphinx Pantheon Escarpment Complex MASSIVE MEGALITHS Choteau Ridge Line Smiling Lady Face (Larissa Cosmos) Geomurals Fortress of the Crosses Sun River Complex Sun River Complex Sun River Line-up The Entrance Face in the Wall Starcrash Mountain Figure Nodia Complex Montana Megaliths North Nodia Peak Mammoth (Karen Lendrum) Templar King Monument Puff the Magic Dragon Draknina the Dragon Shotgun Annie Flash Fossilized Human Head Royal Ruby Pantheon Montana Megaliths North |
Sumer Complex
Montana Megaliths North Fortress Nodia Dragon Sphinx Inanna Montana Dragon King Granite Box Swings Both Ways Cameo Roosevelt Temple of the Winds Montana Megaliths North Life Star Stone Dome Six Pointed Star AlaStar Stone Head Man Faces Sky Stone Face Ascension Portal Stairway to Heaven Pyramid of the Winds Eagle Wing Star Wall of the Ancestors Flying Freddy the Dragon Goddess of the Temple of the Winds Ancient Beings Collage: Wind Goddess with Little Grey ET Mariah's Head Mari Selene Queendom of Avalon Montana Megaliths North (Gay Anne Liberty and Jimena Yanterno) Twin Temple Mounds Radiant One Etching (Google Earth) Flash Fossilized Feet Four Fingered One Man's Face (working name) Flash Fossilized Mammoth (Jimena Yanterno) Star Seeding: ET to Human The Radiant One Etching (Google Earth) Stone Faces Four Fingered One Zephyr Complex Montana Megaliths North Queen Zephyr Box Hat Prince E-Long Zephyr Geosculpture (Google Earth) Ladyfingers Complex Montana Megaliths North E-Long Ladyfingers Dwarf E-Long Ladyfingers Lyra Ladyfingers Ladyfingers Dragon Epic Episode Complex Montana Megaliths North Hedget Crown Pharaoh Epic Lion King Epic White Eye Compass Epic Elfin Warrior Epic Lion Sphinx Elfin Guardian Three Dearborn Complex Montana Megaliths North Dearborn Alien Ant Being Congregation Megacomplex Three Rock Cairns Blacktail Ranch Medicine Wheel Congregation Main (Larissa Cosmos) Tickle Stripe Medallion Dinosaur Dino Headress White Dragon Eye Compass Congregation Thunder Lizard Listening Woman Lion Sphinx Pharaoh Protects Queen Dragon Head Commity Meeting Pile On Congregation Companions Fairy Boy Sophia Safekeeper Cosmic Creators Complex (Julie Ryder) Congregation Megacomplex Cosmic Creators Pantheon Cosmic Creators Spiral Third Eye Geosculpture Dark Android Geosculpture King of King Monument Cosmic Creators Temples Backpacker Ganesh Geosculpture Agusta Complex Hay Stack Butte Lady Agusta Mountain Figure Birdtail Road Megaliths |
Threshold Complex Montana Megaliths East Flicker Dolmen Flicker Wall Dragon Flicker (CowboyBob Benda) Red Hat Lady (Trenton Downum) The Aviator Aviator's Flight Companion Dragon Aviator Kissing Goddess Mosaic (CowboyBob Benda) Atlas Shrugged Soul Mates Mosaic Blue Eyes FF Head (Nancy Briggs) Janus Pillar Turban Janus Threshold Dragon Tooth Horse Morphing Wall Dragon Eye Beacon Asgard Complex (Brit Garret) Montana Megaliths East Eagle Mount Amphitheater Giant Left Hand at Eagle Mount Cougar at Eagle Mount Queen of the Eagles and her Cohort Soaring Eagle at Eagle Mount Isis Wall Green Avian Geosculpture Persephone (Sarah Jo) Fenrir The Norse Wolf Freyja and Odin Geoswirl Faces Gorilla Animal Rock Asgard Guardian Hawk Face Asgard Mountain Face Tristan Saturn Stone Man Asgard Hermit Asgard Horse Ryder Lyra Star Gate Thunder Being Midgard Middle Earth City Asgard Robot Optimus Prime Mandan Complex (Custer County MT) Mandan Pyramid Mountain Mandan Mound Mandan Star Eyes Medicine Rocks Complex Medicine Rocks Human Face Shoshone River Complex (Wyoming) MASSIVE MEGALITHS Shoshone Temple Shoshone Bag Man (Julie Ryder) Winged Ant Holds Human Holly Hobby Pilar |
Cascading Complex:
Cascading Pink Wall White Stone Complex Raven's Plaza Deep Creek - 17 Complex Grecian Face Many Faces Deep Creek Collage - 16 Deep Creek Collage - 17 Brown Eyes Polygonal Mosaic Walls York Complex York Moon Man York Wall II Sun Cat York Helmeted Small One Overlook Complex Overlook Titan Overlook Bird Castle Mountains Complex Castle Turtle Castle Spires Black Sandy Complex Montana Megaliths East Black Sandy Dragon Eye Sky Window Ant People Sandy Eagle Head Sandy Black Sandy Helmet Head Third Eye Open Black Sandy Helmet Head Black Sandy Pretty Woman (Delorous Halverson Anderson) Inception Crouching Healer Hidden Dragon Gates of the Mountains Complex Sleeping Giant Mountain Figure Compass Marker (Google Earth) Faces of My Ancestors (Ellen Pulido) Rhino Cygnus Swan Sumer King at the Gates Cyclops (Nord) Dragon Temple at the Gates Seated Statue of Titan King Temple of Isis at the Gates Khnum at the Gates Best Friends Forever at the Gates Titan at the Gates Pictographs at the Gates |
Sluice Box Canyon Complex
Square Head Minion Beauty and the Beast Golden Eye Grimace Monarch's Oracle Monarch Wall |
Monarch Around the Bend Complex
MASSIVE MEGALITHS Monarch Castle Amphitheater Monarch Right Big Foot Golden Eye Face Golden Eye Giant Foot Wall Totem Eagle Monarch Throne Monarch Square Eyed One |
DragonRyder Complex
DragonRyder Lion Sphinx Ram Head Montana Prism Eyes Compass Skull Bearmouth Complex Montana Megaliths West Queen of the Shining Ones King of the Shining Ones Prince of the Shining Ones Barmouth Hunaman |
Silver City Complex
DragonRyder Prism Eyes Lioness Sphinx Lion Sphinx Compass Skull Marysville Stone Rings Moody Menhir |