Megaliths in Montana, USA
You can purchase a copy of my first photo book titled
MONTANA MEGALITHS IN THE USA by clicking on this link: Product My second photo book titled Montana Megaliths: Dolmens in Montana, USA features photographs and narrative about the dolmens in Montana. Several photographs of the ancient flash fossilized beings are included. Product |
Bill Ryder at the base of Almost Kissing. There are swallow nests under their chins.
Carlos Esquivel commented, "In which you say Almost Kissing, that mountain is actually a library for the information it tries to convey. The walls have tattooed amazing traces that look like from different eras and clans.. on the top right side of the photo, in almost the cuspid, a very complex stamp and elaborated in the style of those beings and in front. What a shark in attack looks like, spilling it all at her mouth. It's a dramatic moment rich in details impossible to describe. The "S" is predominant.. and at the height of her husband murals of a fine quality. Who wouldn't envy Michelangelo? Beings with ocre clothes, white, black and even one green. It's a sensational wall." {Translated from Spanish} |
Julie Ryder under Avian Eyes
Bearmouth Miss Mercury
Miss Mercury is above Bill's head.
Notice the winged head dress |
Dearborn Ant Person
Montana Megaliths North in Montana, USA |
Dearborn Ant Person faces upriver. I discovered her in 2022 after watching videos on the Ant People discovered in Mexico.
Over 3,000 artifacts uncovered in central Mexico show "direct interactions between Aliens and the Aztec and Mayan People." Amaruca Land of the Plumed Serpent from Gen Six Productions Amaruca Land of the Plumed Serpent
Gen Six Productions |