Megaliths in Montana, USA
You can purchase a copy of my first photo book titled
MONTANA MEGALITHS IN THE USA by clicking on this link: Product My second photo book titled Montana Megaliths: Dolmens in Montana, USA features photographs and narrative about the dolmens in Montana. Several photographs of the ancient flash fossilized beings are included. Product |
Crater on Mimas, one of the moons of Saturn compared to the Death Star from the Star Wars Movies |
Iapetus, one of the moons of Saturn
appears similar to the Death Star of Star Wars |
"Thousands of years ago, this Mountain top was shredded, Flattened to look like an Incredible runaway in Nazca, Peru."
Aliens, UFOs, Anunnaki, Ancient aliens, Mysteries, Paranormal RELOADED |
There is a similar runway in the Temple of the Winds Complex.
"The Nazca lines are still mysterious even after decades of being carefully studied. Archaeologists believe they know how they were made, but why they were made remains uncertain. Recently, researchers have suggested that the lines were related to fertility rituals involving the availability of water, but there are some people who still see something different in lines that are very long and straight. Some alternative thinkers argue that the straighter lines represent runways for ancient airports. Although it is possible that this is the case, the evidence found to support this position is insufficient so far." |
Dragon Rider morphs into Wolf Shaman
Michael Pell writes, "When I see anything dragon related my first thought is to always look for a possible tie to the circumpolar constellation of Draco in the northern hemisphere. As Draco is ALWAYS visible in the northern night sky, it is the true constant and ever present housing our true axial pole pointing position at the Cat’s Eye Nebula. I can see it as an important basis for many ancient beliefs and practices that were aware of it’s presence that worshiped or deified anything sky related." |
"The Roc is an enormous legendary bird of prey in the popular mythology of the Middle East.
The Roc appears in Arabic geographies and natural history, popularized in Arabian fairy tales and sailors' folklore. Wiki |
E-Long bas relief sculpture at
Dragons Lair I was mesmerized when my eyes found a Being with a male human face and an elongated head looking over his right shoulder showing the left side of his face in silhouette A large dangling white ear ring is superimposed hiding his neck from view. I named him E-Long.
Notice that E-Long is depicted in the same pose...looking over his right shoulder as a similar bas relief portrait of the elongated head Ones in ancient Egypt. (right) |
Graphic of E-Long ear ornament by Mikhail Mirskiy
Ancient Giants Preserved Inside Hermetically Sealed Artificial Rocks Around The Planet For Thousands Of Years
Adrian Leiva EL ENIGMA DE LAS ROCAS Perhaps this practice of images on the outside that show who is inside the hermetically sealed rock is what we are seeing at Dragons Lair. |
Shamans have recorded their visions on rock for tens of thousands of years. Paintings and glyphs of their visitations to alternate realities are similar throughout the world.
Pictographs and petroglyphs are often maps of specific locations in the Spirit World as well as the entry and exit points. A singular cave is the entrance to a specific realm in the Spirit World used by shamans for centuries to access the knowledge and power of that particular designated alternate world. Petroglyphs & Pictographs |
The Temple of Amun at Karnak in Egypt is approached through an avenue of large ram-headed sphinxes, each protecting a small Pharaoh figure between their paws. A row of Ram Sphinxes representing the god Amun (whose sacred animal was the ram). These ram sphinxes in Egypt look very similar to the Ram Nodia Geosculpture in Montana. Ram Sphinx in Egypt: |
Egyptian God Khnum |
Egyptian God Khnum
Carved and painted into the forehead on the Third Eye of the Nodian Head is the All Seeing Eye. This symbol is very ancient and has been usurped by various Secret Societies and religions throughout the ages. A version of the All Seeing Eye appears on the US one dollar bill.
This symbol is also the astrological symbol of Pisces. The Pisces zodiac symbol morphed into the secret symbol used by the early Christians. The fish motif is also prevalent throughout the New Testament. At least four of the twelve apostles were fisherman. |
Michael Pell writes: "What I find interesting as well in addition to the excellent data mentioned here is that the Pisces and the Ram symbol are adjacent to each other and match what is found in the zodiac wheel. This invites one to consider looking for other zodiac symbols in correct placement in the surrounding terrain that might be indicating the zodiac layout was being mirrored on the ground in this region, as seen from an aerial perspective."
É (Cuneiform) is the Sumerian word or symbol for house or temple
Eridu, Enki's Patron City-State | Mesopotamian
Gods & Kings |
"E" Symbol protruding from the side of a cliff at the First Nations Buffalo Jump downriver
from the Caterpillar Megaliths |
"E" Symbol embossed in the upper right corner. Gold Plate from Burrow's Cave in Illinois, USA |
Burrow's Cave Illinois, USA"E: Symbol in the top line of glyphs
Burrow's Cave in Illinois, USA |
In 2018, I was taken to see Owl Eyes which is a megalithic statue along the Missouri River. The next morning I arrived at sunrise and watched through a scope as the rising sun reflected off of the faceted stones that were inset into two perfect circles. The eyes glowed. Outlines of two eyes had been cut into the rock face and then built up with smaller bricks forming two circular eyes in the correct anatomical position. Facets stones were set at the exact angle to reflect the rising sun forming the pupil. |
Near Big Owl another similar owl statue graces the skyline and also faces Nodia Castle. This much smaller owl figure is held my a feminine human effigy figure therefore I named this statue Owl Goddess. Owl Goddess features two circular owl eyes, a beak and the full body of an owl.
Owls are associated with many permutations of the White Goddess in several ancient cultures. " In Ancient Greek mythology the Owl was a creature sacred to Athena, Goddess of the night who represented wisdom. Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom had a companion Owl on her shoulder, which revealed unseen truths to her. Owl had the ability to light up Athena's blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth, as opposed to only a half truth. The Ainu in Japan trust the Owl because it gives them notice of evil approaching. They revere the Owl, and believe it mediates between the Gods and men." "The bird features prominently Celtic folklore where it is considered both to be sacred and to have magical powers, again because of its abilities in the dark. Zulus and other West African nations consider the bird a powerful influence in casting spells, and think that using parts of the owl gives great strength to a person involved with magical incantations."…/mythology_folkl…/owls.asp |
Epic Compass Eye
Giant Speaks on the side of Elephant Rock
Elephant Rock watches up river previewing what is to come. Giant Speaks on the left side of Elephant Rock calls out to River Goddess Compass across the wide rushing river. Spirits ride the wind. |
Epic Lion King
Epic Star Gazer
River Goddess Earring Compass at 5:00
Janus Epic from Google Earth
Janus the two faced God of endings
and beginnings |
Chac-Mool Andromeda
Statue of Chac-Mool, Cancun, Quitana Roo, Mexico, North America
By Charles Bowman |
Miguel Angel Vergara posted on
May 11, 2024 THE CHAK-MOOL, MAYA MASTER, MESSENGER OF THE SUN (PART 1)... "Chak- Mool, you grant under the Will of the " Heart of Heaven " Consciousness, Wisdom, Courage, the " Claw " to All Those Which Warriors of Inner Wisdom, are dedicated to the Work of Inner-Spiritual Transformation, giving their own life in said process... “ Chak- Mool, you grant under the Will of the “ Heart of Heaven” the Conscience, the Wisdom, the Courage ,the “ Claw” to All those who like “ Warriors of the Inner- Wisdom“ dedicate themselves to the work of Internal- Spiritual Transformation, giving their own Lives to this process. Etymologically, the name by which this Maya- Statue is known, is with the name of “ Chak- Mool “ which translated from the Maya Language, means: “ Red- Claw “.. The first of these Statues, was found in the year 1873 in the Ceremonial Center of Chichen-Itzá... Etymologically,the name by which this Maya- Statue is known, is the name of “ Chak- Mool” which translated from the Maya- Language means: “ Red- Claw”.. The first of these statues was found in 1873 in the Ceremonial Center of Chichen- Itza... The "Claw" represents that "Inner-Strength" that the Maya Warrior, the Inner Warrior, the Warrior of Light, the Warrior of Wisdom, the Impeccable Warrior, shows us through the different processes of initiation in the different Temples of Chichen-Itza, which is the "Cosmic University of the Magic". The” Claw” represents the “ Inner- Force” that the Inner- Warrior, the Warrior of the Light, the Warrior of Wisdom, the Impeccable- Warrior, show us through the different Initiations in the Temples of Chichen- Itza,which is the “ Maya Cosmic- University “.. And So Be It, So It Is, And It's Done.. So Be Ut, So It is , It is Done... In the lake really.. |
Miguel Angel Vergara posted on
May 19, 2024: CHAK-- MOOL, MESSENGER OF THE SUN.. (PART 2... ) )THE CHAK-MOOL,MESSENGER OF THE SUN.. (PART 2) ... The "Chak-Mool", boasts on its chest the Butterfly symbol, which indicates that the Human Being, can come out of its "Dick" (his Body) as the Caterpillar does, to become a Butterfly and "Fly"... Yes, fly, towards Infinity, to know other Dimensions and Realities that escape our physical senses and learn directly from the Wisdom of the Creator of Life and the Mayan Marstros of Light in the Golden Temples, beyond the 3rd Dimension in the one we live.... |
Years ago I had dreamed of this pictograph and knew that I would be taken there by a man with a big dog. So the first time I was in Craig the waitress asked me what I was doing there. I told her that I was waiting for a man with a big dog but I did not know who the man was. Even though I was only drinking Pepsi she must have thought I was a little crazy. A few hours later an older man with a Saint Bernard asked me if his dog was big enough. Long story short he took me to the Four Fingered One pictograph and I took this photo. I asked him to pass this knowledge forward and apparently he did. |