Megaliths in Montana, USA
You can purchase a copy of my first photo book titled
MONTANA MEGALITHS IN THE USA by clicking on this link: Product My second photo book titled Montana Megaliths: Dolmens in Montana, USA features photographs and narrative about the dolmens in Montana. Several photographs of the ancient flash fossilized beings are included. Product |
Dr. Semir Osmanagich, the discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids, climbed all over Sage Wall, used scientific instruments to measure the energy production and filmed a video on site.
Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder at the Sage Wall: |
Dr. Sam Osmanagich Podcast on Earth Ancients Montana Megaliths starts at 19:10 minutes |
Yolanda Tims near Sage Wall
Christopher and Yolanda Tims write, " In our opinion (based only on our totally subjective experience of the MM sites and what we have seen/learned of others around the world such as Gobekli Teppe) is that the MM sites predate by far, anything else. We feel the MM, really the whole area is one of, if not the initial hub of contact/arrival/point of origin/begining... (Insert your own term). We did not see everything, but the glimpses of what was inaccessible just about everywhere you looked, tell of great antiquity. After experiencing the MM, we question even more, not only the conventional views, but even the more alternative as well." |
Original photo of Julie Ryder at
Tizer Dolmen Photo credit: Bill Ryder Dolmens in the Montana Megaliths |
The burning question for me is this: Is this an original reel or was it produced by AI or some fake Content Creator? |
Little Gray Hood is about 6 inches tall and appears to be similar to the Nampa Doll found in 1889 in Idaho, USA.
Shelley Lorena Mowat sent this article: THE CONTRVERSIAL NAMPA DOLL IS STILL A HUGE MYSTERY |
Anthony Castro removes the branches from Thunder Lizard Dolmen
Dozens of flash fossilized Thunder Lizards adorn the landscape, peeking out from behind intentionally constructed platforms...displayed on top of cyclopean block walls, emerging from the forest floor and occasionally interspersed with human and hybrid images. They are usually upright and looking out over the landscape or valley.
The left eye is in the correct anatomical position. The left side of the head of the Thunder Lizard Dolmen is embossed with an geomural of the face of a human male. His head is covered with a helmet, both eyes, smiling mouth and nose are obvious. Like many of the figures at the Montana Megaliths he is portrayed with a full beard. |
The Professor
The Pedriza
La Civilizacion Madre 10,000BC |