Megaliths in Montana, USA
Dr. Semir Osmanagich, discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids explored Giant's Playground in October, 2022. Montana Megaliths YouTube Channel Presents: Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder at Giant's Playground |
Face at Top of Thunderbolt Mountain
Photograph by Brenda Synness |
On the top of Thunderbolt Mountain the granite blocks are precisely cut with vertical seams that are equal distance apart, 90 degree angles at the bottom and placed on an flat, even platform.
These details are proof points that Thunderbolt was intentionally construted. |
Teri Gilfilen
I was working in studio with sacred geometry this Summer and this came through… The Alpha Omega Taurus Stargate! Great video and information! Metatrons cube, alpha omega, eye of Horus, Divine feminine,Apis Bull, ankh, Orion’s Belt!! I believe the Taurus stone passed along the knowledge. |
Star Fire Duolith with Dr. Sam and Julie Ryder--Giant's Playground YouTube |
Parabolic Mirror
The curved end of a cyclopean block is the same shape suggesting that this pillar may have originally been constructed as a mirror imaged twin pillar that has fallen down. This curved shape is much like the parabolic sound directional mirror. "Sound waves can be reflected as a focused beam, just like light waves. When a sound wave encounters a plane hard surface at a given angle, it will be reflected at the same angle. But when the surface is curved different parts of the wave may be reflected in different directions. Parabolic mirrors exploit this fact in order to focus oncoming wave fronts into a single point of high energy intensity - the focus.
Kymberlee Ruff commented:
I have spoken at length with Hopi Grandfather Martin about the City under the Grand Canyon. I have also spoken with Tibetan Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche who told me the Buddha statue was of Vairocana. Buddhism in the Grand Canyon |
Painting of Seker, the Egyptian
Falcon God "Nine pyramids transfix the sky in Saqqara, (Egypt) a sprawling ceremonial temple complex named for Seker, the falcon god of rebirth.
"The name arises from sy-k-ri (hurry to me), the cry made by Isis to Osiris as he wandered through the darkness toward the Otherworld, seeking to unite with his bride and become one again." |
Seker in the Tomb of Seti
in Egypt |
"According to Egyptian Mythology, the Bennu was a self-created being said to have played a role in the creation of the world. It was said to be the ba of Ra and enabled the creative actions of Atum. It was said to have flown over the waters of Nun that existed before creation, landing on a rock and issuing a call that determined the nature of creation. It was also a symbol of rebirth and was therefore associated with Osiris." Wikipedia
A dramatic scene captured in three dimensional granite sculptures is frozen in time above the Bennu Birdman in Giant's Playground. The Bennu Birdman faces south. The elongated head robed statue faces east toward Spiral Mountain Complex across the valley. A reptilian type creature is perched on top looking over her right shoulder.
Julie Ryder explains the Geopolymer coating at Castle Arcadion in this Short Video: |
Pink Geoplymer detaches from the gray granite polygonal blocks underneath on the side of Castle Arcadion.
Geopolymer Institute: |
Dolmen Star Tribe at Heart Dolmen 2016
While filming my first live interview at Giant's Playground Complex, Joelyn discovered the Dog Watcher Geomural. I have taken hundreds and hundreds of people to Giants and spent countless days exploring this very ancient megalithic site and no one had never seen this before. Perhaps Joelyn found the Dog Watcher Geomural as she is so tuned in to animals. Saving Giant's Playground You Tube |
Andrew Barker analyses the authenticity of the Icicle Dolmen and charted his findings on spread sheets comparing the Montana Megaliths with other dolmens world wide. Andrew stated that the dolmens in Giant's Playground rated in the high 90 percentile as they matched several proof points and had not been altered. He stated that Stonehenge rated in the eighty percentile as it had been rebuilt at least twice.
Panel of red bricks at the
Robotic Watcher Photograph by David J Panter Panels of red brick many cut at 90 degree angles at the base of the Robotic Watcher at Giant's Playground Complex and miles away at the Pipestone Wall look alike. Both have a hole in the center.
Are these areas come sort of keypad? Several visitors have suggested that these are like touch screens utilizing ancient stone technology. |
Panel of interlocking red bricks on the second section of the Sage Wall
Sego Canyon in Utah, US
Lee Pennington discovered a correlation between the Robotic Watcher at Giant's Playground in Montana and the petroglyphs in Sego Canyon in Utah, USA. Notice that the Robotic Watcher has one sphere on his chest yet the Sego glyphs have two or three. Robotic Watcher has a vertically segmented base just like the Sego glyphs.
Several pictographs from the Fremont Culture depict the same body shape with square heads and vertical and/or horizontal lined segments. |
Mary Conceicao Coelho posted: 3000 Year Old Artefact Shows Ancient Astronaut Arrived In A Spaceship On Earth? The fragment found in Turkey in 1973 is undoubtedly the most famous 3000-year-old spaceship-looking item, which proves the ancient aliens’ presence on Earth. Zecharia Sitchin found the article. This cold grey stone look-alike is a contemporary re-imagining of a modern-day rocket with engines powered by scientists and a guy wearing a spacesuit. It may be the last evidence for ancient astronaut theories that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the past. |
Looking down from Google Earth, behind Giant's Playground Complex, is a 3-D Olmec Head that looks very similar to La Venta Olmec Head in Mexico. Olmec Head Geosculpture is approximately one square mile. Geosculptures |
Sol Serpent at Giant's Playground Phase Six is similar to the Bust of Sol on a pediment of the block of Ain Horche temple in Lebanon. |
December 2, 2021
The US Forest Service threatened me with 6 months in prison if I gave tours of specific sites especially Giant's Playground. Then they financed a $6 million road re-construction project that connects Giants with highway I-90 and started to haul away megaliths. Multiple wildfires in this area last summer cleared away the forest cover so the megalithic sites could be seen and identified from above. We watched as spot fires started over several megalithic sites that I had identified on Google Earth. The smoke rarely connected...each site "spontaneously" burst into high flames with thick black smoke. The government just announced a "mineral survey" of the area to identify precious minerals which means they plan to dig it up. This is the cover story. The laws have been changed so that now the US Forests are considered "multiple use" which means the government can sell whatever they choose. Our precious wild lands and forests no longer belong to the people. They have become "resources" of the Federal Government. The Rio Tinto Mines received the contract to "survey" from the Department of Interior. The results, photographs and findings of over 92 percent of the archaeology digs that our government finances through grants to various universities and private organizations are never published in the public domain. |